Wolf Man
Gyserfilmen 'Wolf Man' er en intens og nervepirrende fortælling om en familie, et afsidesliggende hjem og en dødbringende trussel.
I filmen møder vi Blake, der arver sin barndomsgård i det landlige Oregon efter sin fars mystiske forsvinden. På trods af et skrøbeligt ægteskab overtaler han sin succesfulde kone Charlotte til at tage med på en familietur til gården sammen med deres datter Ginger.
Men idyllen forvandles hurtigt til et mareridt, da de midt om natten angribes af et voldsomt rovdyr. Fanget i huset med faren lurende udenfor, opdager Charlotte, at Blake begynder at ændre sig. Snart må hun træffe en beslutning: Er truslen indenfor farligere end truslen udenfor?
Filmen 'Wolf Man' er skabt af instruktøren Leigh Whannell, kendt for The Invisible Man, der har slået sig sammen med filmselskabet Blumhouse. I hovedrollerne ser vi Golden Globe-nominerede Christopher Abbott (Catch-22) og Emmy-vinderen Julia Garner (Ozark).
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We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.