We Live in Time
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Tilladt for børn over 11 år
1 time 48 min
Original titel
We Live in Time
Romantisk drama
John Crowley
Andrew Garfield
Florence Pugh
Scanbox Film Distribution
Filmen 'We Live in Time' er et romantisk drama om et pars kaotiske, smukke og rørende kærlighedshistorie.
Da Almut rammer Tobias med sin bil, bliver det starten på et forhold, der strækker sig over mange år.
Fra de er unge og nyforelskede, til de etablerer sig, bliver forældre og ultimativt til de står over for en livsændrende realitet, der ryster deres fundament.
Dramaet 'We Live in Time' er instrueret af Brooklyn-instruktøren John Crowley, mens de bærende roller som det forelskede par spilles af Florence Pugh og Andrew Garfield.
Showtimes for We Live in Time
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
The movies program is updated every Monday afternoon for 10 days ahead.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
Important Info
For any 4DX show the visitor needs to be at least 100 cm tall and weigh no more than 120 kg.We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
Ledige sæder 20-100%
Ledige sæder 10-20%
Ledige sæder 1-10%