VAF: Youth Jury Program
Du har valgt Viborg
VAF Youth Award giver unge mennesker en stemme. Juryen består af elever fra 6. klasse i en skole i Viborg eller en af de omkringliggende byer. Børnene skal se et særligt udvalgt program med kortfilm fra Danmark og resten af verden. Præcis som en professionel jury vil de arbejde sig gennem en udvælgelsesproces, samtale om deres holdninger og til sidst beslutte sig for en vinder.
Den endelige annoncering af de vindende kortfilm finder sted under VAF Award Show fredag d. 13/9.
VAF Youth Award gives young people a voice. The jury is comprised of pupils from 6th grade in a school in Viborg or one of the cities in close proximity. The kids will watch a special selected program of short films from Denmark and the rest of the world. Just like a professional jury, they will work their way through a selection process, talk about their likes and dislikes, and finally decide on a winner.
The final announcing of the wining short film will happen during the VAF Award Show on Friday the 13th of September.