
VAF: Winner Short Films 2024

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VAF: Winner Short Films 2024
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Du har nu muligheden for at opleve de 7 fantastiske kortfilm der har vundet juryens hjerte og priserne ved årets VAF Awards 2024.

Hvert år uddeler VAF priser til en række fantastiske filmskabere hvis værker har været en del af årets program. VAF har i år fået indsendt over 600 kortfilm som derefter er blevet skåret ned til omkring 100 fordelt på 7 forskellige kategorier. Indenfor hver kategori findes én vinder af en udvalgt professionel international jury.

VAF Best Short
VAF Best Experimental
VAF Best Graduation Film
VAF Best Commissioned Work 
Open Workshop Best Danish Animated Short
VAF Youth Jury
VAF Diversity Film

VAF gives you the chance to experience the 7 winning short films of 2024. The films that stole the heart of the jury and took home the awards at VAF Awards 2024.

Every year VAF awards a series of fantastic filmmakers, all of which have been nominated in the film program of 2024. This year more than 600 short films were submitted to be nominated at VAF but only 100 qualified. Those films are spread across 7 categories which are then shown to a professional international jury, and they get to choose the winner.

VAF Best Short
VAF Best Experimental
VAF Best Graduation Film
VAF Best Commissioned Work 
Open Workshop Best Danish Animated Short
VAF Youth Jury
VAF Diversity Film

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