VAF: They Shot the Piano Player
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Farverig, fantastisk og jazzet dokumentarisk fortælling fra skaberne af “Chico & Rita”
Jeff Harris er musikjournalist fra New York. Han rejser til Brasilien for at finde inspiration til sin næste bog om bossa nova bevægelsen. Jeff hører om myten om Francisco Tenório Junior, en yderst gådefuld pianist, der betragtes som en af Brasiliens bedste jazzmusikere, men som forsvandt, mens han var på turné i Buenos Aires i 1976, året for militærkuppet i Argentina.
Filmens hovedperson og fortæller indtales af Jeff Goldblum.
Colorful, amazing and jazzy documentary tale from the creators of “Chico & Rita”
Jeff Harris is a music journalist from New York. He travels to Brazil to find inspiration for his next book about the bossa nova movement. Jeff learns of the myth of Francisco Tenório Junior, a mysterious pianist considered one of Brazil's best jazz musicians, but who disappeared while on tour in Buenos Aires in 1976, the year of the military coup in Argentina.
The main character and narrator are voiced by Jeff Goldblum