VAF: ANIMOK: Dansk animation for unge
Få et særlig indblik i, hvad kommende filmskabere fra The Animation Workshop og Filmskolen laver, når vi viser dette kortfilm program, der er spækket med flot, sjov og tankevækkende dansk animation fra både danske skoler og animation studier. Programmet vil blive introduceret af en studerende fra The Animation Workshop, og der vil efter filmvisningen være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål om filmene, uddannelse og erhverv.
Get a unique insight into what future filmmakers from The Animation Workshop and The Danish Film School, when we show this short film program, which is packed with beautiful, fun and thoughtprovoking Danish animation from both Danish schools and animation studios. The program will be introduced by a student from The Animation Workshop, and after the film screening there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the films, education and profession.