Better Man
Filmen 'Better Man' handler om sangeren Robbie Williams' vilde liv og karriere. Og ja, Robbie Williams spilles af intet mindre end en abe.
Robert vokser op som en helt almindelig britisk ballademager. Hans mor og mormor passer på den lille dreng, mens hans lettere maniske far kun har øje for de store entertainere som Frank Sinatra.
I et forsøg på at finde en plads i livet tilmelder Robert sig en audition, og imod alle odds bliver han del af boy band-sensationen Take That.
Successen er altoverskyggende, men Robert - nu Robbie - kæmper fortsat med sine indre dæmoner. Snart melder han sig ud af bandet for at prøve at slå igennem som soloartist. Lettere sagt end gjort.
'Better Man' er instrueret af The Greatest Showman-instruktøren Michael Gracey.
Den tidligere Take That-stjerne skriver sig ind i rækken af store stjerner, der har fået musikalske biografier på det store lærred. Tidligere har man bl.a. kunne se Elton Johns liv skildret i Rocketman og historien om Freddie Mercury og Queen i Bohemian Rhapsody.
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We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.
We advise people with ill backs, neck hurts and pregnant women to NOT attend 4DX shows.