ANIMOK: Mus og Ræv i syvende himmel (2D)
Efter en ret uheldig hændelse nede på jorden vågner den livlige lille Mus Vilja op i dyrehimlen. Her møder hun den mere forsigtige og sky Ræv, Hvidbug, som Vilja helt bestemt mener at have set før... Men hvor? Aha! Det var Hvidbug, der jagtede Vilja ud på vejen nede på jorden, så det er hans skyld, at de begge er endt i dyrehimlen!Af naturlige årsager kunne de aldrig blive venner nede på jorden, men i dyrehimlen er sagen en helt anden: Her kan dyr nemlig ikke længere spise hinanden, og de er befriet fra deres naturlige instinkter. Det er meget heldigt, for Vilja og Hvidbug bliver nemlig nødt til at samarbejde for at få succes på deres rejse gennem den mærkelige nye verden. Sammen begiver de sig ud på et fantastisk og uforglemmeligt eventyr. Og hvem ved -måske har det umage par alligevel mere til fælles end de lige tror!
Filmen er med i VAF Best Feature competition.
Join us on an unforgettable and magical journey with the mouse Vilja and the fox Hvidbug! A beautiful and exciting story about an unlikely friendship you will never forget! After a rather unfortunate incident on earth, the lively little mouse Vilja wakes up in the animal heaven. Here she meets the more cautious and shy fox, Hvidbug, which Vilja definitely thinks she has seen before… But where? Aha! It was Hvidbug who chased Vilja out on the road on earth, so it's his fault that they both ended up in the animal heaven! For natural reasons, they could never become friends on earth, but in the animal heaven, the situation is completely different: Here, animals can no longer eat each other, and they are freed from their natural instincts. This is very lucky, because Vilja and Hvidbug will have to work together to be successful on their journey through the strange new world. Together they embark on an amazing and unforgettable adventure. And who knows - maybe the hard-working couple still have more in common than they just think!
The film is in the VAF Best Feature competition